
Diller Scofidio + Renfro|天津茱莉亚学院

不断前行的 国际设计 2023-09-17

海河河畔的天津茱莉亚学院 Aerial View Towards Hai River
Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

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Project Description

天津茱莉亚学院是一座集演出、排练、研究和互动展览于一体的艺术中心,设有多处公共空间,旨在欢迎公众参与到音乐创作过程及表演。天津茱莉亚学院是中国首家授予美国认证音乐硕士学位的表演艺术机构。这所新学院还提供面向8至18 岁学生的星期六大学预科课程、面向专业人士和成人的继续教育课程、面向各年龄层音乐学生的公共教育课程,以及公开演出。

The Tianjin Juilliard School (TJS) is a center for performance, practice, research, and interactive exhibitions, with communal spaces that are designed to welcome the public into the creative process and performance of music. TJS is the first performing arts institution in China to confer a U.S. -accredited Master of Music (MM) degree. The new school also comprises a Saturday Pre-College program for students ages 8-18; continuing education programs for professionals and adult learners; public education programs for music learners of all ages; and public performances. 

学院的主体建筑面积达32,500 平米,位于天津滨海新区于家堡金融区,由迪勒·斯卡菲狄欧与伦佛洛建筑事务所(Diller Scofidio + Renfro)设计,这家建筑事务所曾负责2009年茱莉亚学院标志性的纽约校区的扩建项目。

Located in the Yujiapu Financial District, the 32,500 ㎡ (350,000 square-foot) building was designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, the same firm responsible for the 2009 expansion of Juilliard's iconic New York home.


The building is composed of four faceted pavilions housing a 690-seat concert hall, a 299-seat recital hall, a 225-seat black box theater, and administrative, faculty, and rehearsal programs. Five glass bridges span an expansive public space that extends the surrounding park into the building, inviting students, visitors and concert goers to mingle, relax and experience the students practicing and giving informal performances. The glass bridges contain classrooms, teaching studios, and practice rooms, encouraging visual and auditory access to the study of music, inviting exchange between students, faculty and visitors.


The school utilizes leading edge telecommunication and video conferencing technologies to ensure a high degree of connectivity and collaboration between students and faculty at Tianjin Juilliard School and The Juilliard School in NewYork. The Juilliard Imagination space, for example, is a digitally connected exhibition space, capable of hosting livestreamed concerts between both Juilliard facilities.


Major Features


Four pavilions serve as cornerstones for the campus, with glass bridges spanning a generous, column free space that extends the surrounding park into the building.

北广场:大型步道系统纵横交错于北广场的一系列花园之间,便于来自北面高铁站、东面公园、西面城镇广场和南面河滨的来访者通行;北广场与Hargreaves Jones 合作设计。

North Plaza: The grain of the larger pedestrian systems intersecting on the site - visitors from the high speed railway station to the north, the park to the east, the town square to the west, and riverfront to the south - is recognized in aseries of gardens in the north plaza designed in collaboration with Hargreaves Jones.

建筑北立面,靠近地铁站 North Elevation, Approach from Metro Station
Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro


South Plaza: Programmed as a performance and event venue amenity for Juilliard, as well as a community space. The plaza features stepped piano-key like seating and planting. The shallow reflecting pools form a dialogue with the nearby Hai River and create unique moments of reflection of the building and sky, adding an element of surprise where visitors can seemingly walk over water.

南广场South Plaza
Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

南广场倒影,白天 South Plaza Reflecting Pool, Daytime View

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

中堂:这片开阔的无柱空间面积2,260平米 (24,000平方英尺),位于地面首层,设有四个装有天窗的中庭,便于阳光直达位于地下层的咖啡馆、园林座椅和倾斜式大看台,这也是纽约茱莉亚学院的一大特色。中堂设有六个入口,可进入所有三个音乐场馆,同时设有可供市民和来访于家堡地区的游客全年使用的公共空间。

Lobby: This 2260㎡ (24,000 square-foot) generous, column-free space at ground level features four sky-lit atriums that draw light down to lower levels programmed by a cafe, grove seating and tilt-up grandstand seating, a features also found at Juilliard New York. With six entrances accessible from every direction, the lobby provides interior access to all three concert venues as well as a public space usable all-year-round by citizens of and visitors to Yujiapu.

中堂和咖啡厅 Lobby and Cafe 
Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

廊桥:五座玻璃廊桥延展于场馆之间,内设两层教学空间,包括12 间普通教室、23 间教学工作间和86 间不同面积的练习室,从下面的中堂可以看到各个室内空间。在廊桥交汇处,学生们可以聚集在私密的双层高休息室,欣赏城市或海河全景。

Bridges: Five windowed bridges span thepavilions, housing two levels of instructional spaces including 12 classrooms, 23 teaching studios, and 86 practice rooms of diverse sizes that can be viewedfrom the lobby below. Where the bridges intersect, students can gather inintimate, double height lounges with panoramic views of the city or the Hai River.

中堂和廊桥 Lobby and Bridges

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro



音乐厅(负一层):音乐厅面积810平米 (8,700 平方英尺),是学院的主要演出场所,设有690 个座席,包括80 个包厢。环绕式布局有助于观众和表演者之间建立更加密切的关系。音乐厅配备机械化木制舞台升降系统,可以实现各种舞台布局转换。大厅采用桉木饰板包覆,营造出温馨的混响环境。拉起玻璃幕墙上的电动遮阳帘,即可将海河作为演出的壮丽背景。机械化高架照明装置可为音乐会舞台和音乐家提供最佳的照明效果。

Level (-1) Concert Hall: The 810㎡ (8,700 square-foot) Concert Hall is the institution's primary performance facility with a seating capacity of 690, including 80 balcony seats. Surround-configuration allows for a more intimate relationship between the audience and performers. The hall features mechanized wood stage risers that can transform the stage into various configurations. The hall is clad in eucalyptus wood, creating a warm, reverberant environment. A glass facade equipped with motorized blackout shades offers a view to the Hai River as a dramatic backdrop for performances. Overhead mechanized lighting positions allow for optimal illumination of the concert stage and the musicians.

音乐厅 Concert Hall 

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

演奏厅(负一层):440平方米(4,700 平方英尺)的演奏厅是学院的主要音乐表演场所,几乎不间断地举办师生独奏会。演奏厅采用桉木镶板包覆和环绕式布局(此设计在私密的演奏厅中很少见),设有299个座席、14 米 x 6米舞台。透过舞台后面的玻璃幕墙,可以俯瞰附近的公园和倒影池。

Level (-1) Recital Hall: The 440㎡ (4,700 square-foot) Recital Hall is the acoustic workhorse of the school with nearly continuous use for student and faculty recitals. Clad ineucalyptus wood, the Recital Hall also features a surround configuration - rare in intimate recital halls- with a seating capacity of 299, and a 14 meter x 6 meter stage with a glass facade overlooking the nearby park and reflecting pool.

演奏厅 Recital Hall Rehearsal

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

黑盒剧场(负一层):400平米 (4,300 平方英尺) 的黑盒剧场专为多媒体表演、独奏会、小合奏和室内歌剧以及舞蹈演出而设计。剧场设有225个座席,包括伸缩座椅和架空钢丝绳网,便于灵活布局观众座席和照明。

Level (-1) Black Box Theater: The 400㎡ (4,300 square-foot) Black Box Theater has been designed formulti-media performances as well as recitals, small ensembles and chamber opera, and dance events. The theater has a seating capacity of 225, including telescopic seating and an overhead wire rope grid that allows for flexible audience and lighting configurations.

大排练厅(负一层):三座110平米(1,180 平方英尺)的排练厅既可作为教育空间,也可作为演出空间,配备实时录音设备。排练厅与音乐厅和演奏厅舞台都位于负一层,便于大型乐器在各个空间之间轻松转移。

Level (-1) Large Rehearsal Rooms: Three 110㎡ (1,180 square-foot) rehearsal rooms function both as education and performance spaces, equipped for real time audio recording. The rehearsal rooms are located in the same B1 level as the Concert Hall and Recital Hall stage to allow easy movement of large instruments from one space to the other.

茱莉亚幻想空间(负一层):茱莉亚幻想空间是一个多方面的数字学习环境,可以探索音乐、舞蹈和戏剧等内容丰富的艺术形式,并为公众提供了解茱莉亚的独特机会。这个810平米(8,800 平方英尺)的专用空间设有精心策划的交互式展示项目,结合虚拟现实和索尼提供的其他尖端技术,将带来令人兴奋的音视频体验。

Level (-1) Juilliard Imagination: Juilliard Imagination is a multi-faceted, digital learning environment for exploring arich tapestry of music, dance, and drama, providing a unique opportunity forthe public to learn about Juilliard. This dedicated 810㎡(8,800 square-foot) space has curated interactive displays with exciting audio and visual experiences incorporating virtual reality and other cutting-edge technologies powered by Sony.

茱莉亚幻想空间 Imagination Space

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

办公室(2、3 和4 层):四座场馆中,有三座场馆的上层设有行政办公室。这些楼层采用开放式办公室布局,配备宽敞的前庭,便于采光。

Level (2,3, and 4) Offices: Three of the four pavilions house administrative offices in their upper levels. These levels feature open office plans with large atria to draw in daylight.

乐团排练厅(4 层):这座270平米 (2,900平方英尺)的排练空间位于主音乐厅上方,通往屋顶露台,可欣赏海河美景。除了可容纳整个管弦乐团进行排练外,这个空间还可以用作多功能迎宾厅和活动空间,举办各种活动,包括120人的晚宴。通过多立面木饰板包覆的外部楼梯可直达地面层。

Level (4) Orchestral Rehearsal: A 270㎡ (2,900 square-foot) rehearsal space above the main concert hall opens up to a roof terrace with views of the Hai River. In addition to housing the full orchestra for rehearsals, the space can be used as a multi-purpose, pre-function room and event space to host events, including a 120-person seated dinner. Direct access from the ground level is provided by an external stair clad in faceted wood panels.

管弦乐队排练场地 Orchestral Rehearsal Space

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

图书馆(4、5 层):图书馆面积560平米 (6,000平方英尺),配备有阅览室、资料室以及计算机和多媒体站,供教职员工使用。从下面的阅览室可透过玻璃地板可以看到5层开放式书架。

Level (4, 5) Library: The 560㎡ (6,000 square-foot) library offers reading rooms, reference sections, as well as computer and multimedia stations for faculty and staff. The open stacks on Level 5 can be seen through a glass floor from the reading room below.



Rooftop Terrace: A publicly accessible rooftop terrace outside the orchestral hall with planting, paving, and bench seating provides views of the nearby Hai River.


Acoustic Performance

与Jaffe Holden(同时也是茱莉亚学院纽约校区的声学设计公司)合作设计,天津茱莉亚学院旨在满足世界一流的声学隔音要求,同时不影响建筑的开放性和透明度。天津茱莉亚学院在所有可测声学标准中达到最高声学性能,包括接近人类听力阈值的NC-15 背景噪声水平。许多在纽约茱莉亚学院成功应用的战略性材料、表面处理工艺和空间结构也在天津校区得到应用。两个校园共同采用的策略包括盒中盒隔音技术和可调节声学幕帘,拥有相同规格的演出厅座席,并在练习室和教学区装配相同的定制钢制隔音门。音乐厅通过采用巨型弹簧基座而获得隔音效果,同时舞台下方的声学谐振室可增强大提琴和低音提琴的音效。天津茱莉亚学院的音乐厅也采用了与Alice Tully Hall 舞台后墙和侧墙相似的独特的扩散锥体,来扩散乐声并提升音调平顺度。乐团排练厅采用了与纽约校区相同的翻转式木墙饰板,以便针对各种演出或排练对室内进行微调。

Designed in collaboration with Jaffe Holden, the same acoustician for Juilliard’s New York campus, TJS was built to meet the high demands for world- class acoustics and sound isolation, without compromising the building's openness and transparency. TJS achieves the highest level of acoustic performance in all measurable acoustic criteria. Including NC-15 background noise levels which is near the threshold of human hearing. Many of the same strategic material, surface and space configuration proven successful in Juilliard New York were also implemented in Tianjin. The common strategies used in both campuses include box-in-box isolation and adjustable acoustic banners, as well as the same specifications for seating in the performance halls and the same custom steel acoustic doors in the practice and teaching areas. The concert hall is acoustically isolated on giant springs and an acoustic resonant chamber under the stage enhances the sound of cello and bass. Distinctive diffusion cones identical to those found on the upstage wall and side walls of Alice Tully Hall were also used in the TJS concert hall to disperse sound and reduce the harshness of tone. In the Orchestral Rehearsal space, flipping wood wall panels also utilized in Juilliard New York allow the room to be fine-tuned for any performance or rehearsal.

音乐厅表演 Concert Hall Performance

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro


In order to foster both a visual and aural connection between visitors in the lobby and students in the practice rooms, the glazing of the bridges was engineered to let moderate sound from the practice rooms pass into the lobby. While lobby sound is hushed when penetrating the sound-absorptive practice spaces. The lobby acoustics are tempered with slatted-wood acoustic soffits under all the bridges, micro-perforated wood wall panels at each performance hall entrance, and upper wall acoustic plaster panels. 


Building Materials

建筑外部材料和包材包括高性能玻璃组件、喷砂不锈钢、玻璃纤维混凝土(GFRC)和Parklex 木纹板。中堂中的各个场馆墙壁采用外墙使用的玻璃纤维混凝土包覆。廊桥采用三层玻璃的中空玻璃单元(IGU)围护系统,从中堂和公共空间可以看到廊桥中的活动。石块铺砌的地面从中堂一直延伸至外部广场,从而将室内与室外融为一体。

The exterior materials and cladding for the building include high-performance glass assemblies, bead blasted stainless steel, glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), and Parklex wood panels. The pavilion walls in the lobby are clad in the GFRC of the exterior walls. The bridges utilize triple glazed IGU enclosures that broadcast their activities from the building's lobby and public spaces. A continuous surface of stone paving connects the main lobby with the exterior plaza to emphasize the extension from indoor to outdoor.

南立面 South Elevation 

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro




Large skylights flood the public lobby with direct sunlight, providing sufficient lighting for plants that are normally grown outdoors. Exterior shades provide solar control. Solar heat gain is reduced by a radiant floor cooled by water circulated through tubing embedded in the structural foundation piles. This simple, low-tech solution maintains the architectural design intent for the lobby and bridge. Dedicated outdoor air systems with energy recovery, coupled with radiant heating and cooling panels condition all but the larger performance spaces. The Concert and Recital halls utilize underfloor displacement ventilation for enhanced air quality, comfort, and energy performance.


Structural Features

ECADI 和Arup工程师力求将独特的主要空间及连接廊桥整合成单一的结构,没有变形接缝。从结构角度来看,其成果基本上是一栋单一建筑,而不是一系列紧密相连的较小建筑和廊桥组成的更常规方案。由于消除了变形接缝,外部饰面材料可以充分发挥其表现能力,同时外部围护结构的天气防护性能得以改善。此外,项目作为单一结构可提供最大的抗风、抗震效果。由于地方建筑规范更倾向于支持常规方案,所以项目小组进行了广泛的分析,以证明整体性结构将提供更有效的性能。横跨于无柱中堂上方的廊桥桁架达50-60米 (165-200英尺),由场馆中的支柱和支承架提供支撑。廊桥的修建依托于场馆之间的互连结构以及10米(32英尺)桁架。每个场馆还设计了悬挑梁,以展示内部的活动,由作为后跨以防止倾覆的廊桥桁架提供支撑。为提供最佳的声学性能,将演奏厅和音乐厅作为主结构内的独立建筑而建造,仅通过基座处的大型隔音弹簧连接。
Arup engineers sought to integrate the distinct main spaces and their connecting bridges into a single structure, free of movement joints. From a structural perspective, the result was essentially a single building, as opposed to a more conventional solution of a series of smaller buildings and bridges in close proximity. Eliminating movement joints enabled an uncompromised expression of exterior finish materials as well as improved weather protection of the exterior envelope. In addition, leveraging the full extent of the project as a single structure offered maximum efficiency against wind and seismic action. Since local codes strongly promoted the conventional approach, ECADI undertook extensive analysis to demonstrate that the integral structure would perform more effectively. Bridges trusses spanning 50-60 meters (165-200 feet) floating above the column-free lobby are supported by columns and braced frames located in the pavilions. The bridges rely on interconnectivity between the pavilions for support, as well as 10 meter (32 foot) trusses. Each of the pavilions also feature cantilevers to reveal the activity within. supported by the bridge trusses which act as back spans to resist overturning. To provide optimal acoustic performance, the recital hall and the concert hall were constructed as independent buildings within the main structure, connected only by large sound isolation springs at their bases.

从连廊望向中堂 View from Bridge to Lobby 

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

南广场倒影,夜晚 South Plaza Reflecting Pool, Nighttime View

Photo by Zhang Chao ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro


地下一层平面 BASEMENT LEVEL 1 ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

一层平面FIRST FLOOR ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

二层平面 SECOND FLOOR ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

四层平面 FOURTH FLOOR ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

东西剖面01 SECTION E-W 01 ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

东西剖面02 SECTION E-W 02 ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

南北剖面 SECTION N-S ©Diller Scofidio+Renfro

项目名称 The Tianjin Juilliard School

项目位置 Tianjin, China

项目业主 The Tianjin Juilliard School

建筑设计 Diller Scofidio + Renfro

主创设计 Charles Renfro (Partner-in-Charge)

建筑面积 32,500 ㎡ (350,000 sf)

建造时间 2017,06-2020,10


Zaha Hadid Architects|马耳他圣朱利安斯水星大厦
Wood Marsh|澳大利亚RACV善克海角度假酒店



